Tom Lommel

Best Face Forward.

Launch Date: May 2019



We needed to use a clean and minimalist font family that also said “hilarious and serious character actor”.


We went with a clean white and grey colour palette to allow the headshots, sizzler reel and biographies to have the biggest impact.


A lot of the theme was designed around showcasing Tom’s headshots in the best way and to make the biggest impact.

Web Solutions

What started off as a multiple page design ended up as a one-page plus gallery page to get right down to business and sell Tom as the actor to cast.

Identity, Packaging & 'Here's Tom!'

Building a website for an actor requires a different mindset. The website needs to function like an elevator pitch: You have one minute to convince the person browsing the site to contact the actor’s agent.

We Help You To

Where You Want To Be.

Polaris Marketing and Creative will create a  brand experience and marketing plan as individual as you and your needs; a story that will pull people in and make them want to be a part of it.